The Elven Lady Chapter 1 Gaelynn Gaelynn swung from tree to tree, her faithful wolf Onyx behind her. She soon noticed some figure in the distance, yet she couldn't make out if it was a human or elf. However, Gaelynn didn't care for the war between elves and humans she jumped down to greet the person. Onyx the wolf who could surprisingly talk said "Princess don't be so naive he could be a bandit!" She ignored him and kept running soon rebutting "If you're calling me naive then why should a white furred wolf be called Onyx?" Onyx stopped in his tracks and shut his mouth. Gaelynn walked over to the man who was Elven by the way he looked and said "Hi!" The elf looked up and asked "You don't remember me do you?" His name was Zion. Gaelynn shook her head and

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