Traducciones   11 años

A Son for Halloween #life wasn't so.... great. My girlfriend broke up with me, because I didn't want to have sex with her. Honestly, my walls in our relationship was the reason she broke up with me... Out of the two hundred different men she'd mated with, only one rejected her. One who was the infamous pop star and model. One whose name was Travis Starr. One who That night, which was Halloween, I chose to go to the bar. I needed something to set my mind off of her... If only I'd been with someone who respected my boundaries... maybe then, I wouldn't be so hurt. I chugged down the whole glass of beer and ordered more. The glasses kept coming... one after another. I bean to lose it as I cried like a baby... well, actually, like a girl. "Marissa!" I hollered/cried. Most people in the bar stared at me. It wasn't like they could recognize me. In fact, I wore a redsox ball cap with skinny jeans and Bama' shirt. And glasses to cover my light green eyes. The good thing was... I had long,brown hair...most villagers had brown hair as well. So, I was no higher than all others while in disguise. I was just a normal, drunk man crying for his woman, which wasn't uncommon. Any man comes here and cry for their lovers... It's normal like that. I began to feel lightheaded and sleepy. Somewhere far, I saw three men and a woman coming to me... They guided me to the front door and gave me a glass of this brown liquid. I wasn't in my right mind. Normally, I wouldn't accept drinks from strangers, but I had little power over my brain. "Drink," the woman commanded. And I did... But instead of feeling hot as I did when I drank the beer, I began to feel so sleepy.... Very sleepy... My eyes began to drop and I found myself slipping out of my body... "Goodnight," her voice singed. Then, I was lost to the dark. ********* I woke up, startled. A lightbulb hanging from the ceiling flickered on and off. I took notes of my surroundings... Gray, slimy walls. Red tables in the corner. A hole in the ceiling. A green door... And I heard sounds of water dripping from afar. Where was I? I don't know. Wherever I was, I knew only three things... I was on a cotton, white bed... I was in pain around my kidney area... And I wasn't alone. I could hear faint sounds of breathing. I winced every time I heard a wheeze. All I wanted was to know how I got her and why. I tried to recall everything that happened, but I hit a brick wall. My head pounded loud in my ears. Strangely, I had a faint headache, which was very rare. I was known for having a hard-head... Meaning I never had headaches unless I was annoyed. Headaches were for the weak. I was no weak man... Well, okay. Maybe I was a little weak, but just pretend you understand where I'm going here, okay? I threw the covers off of me and reached into my jeans for my phone. Luckily, I still had it with me, yet my keys and wallet was gone. The first person that came in mind was Marissa. Usually, she would be protecting me and cheering me up... Don't get me wrong, but... I may be strong and not as weak as some people, but...when you fall first, you feel more pain than the person who barely did. The scone person that came in mind was Gary Edwards, my drummer and best friend since 4th grade. According to my iPhone 5c, it was 4 in the morning. He should be asleep... The third person was not actually a person. It was 911. I thought of the reporters and how this would spread worldwide. Either now or never! My head screamed at me. Now it was.... I dialed the number and sighed. My fame will be double now. ******** Years has passed since that night. According to the world, I was gone for a month... And I thought it was only an hour. I had many DNA tests and was glad to know that I was still a virgin. I'm now married to a woman named Scarlet Rose and together, we have four kids. Two daughters and two sons. I also include another kid. This young boy came from the tests a doctor has created. A clone. And that very boy was a clone of me. How I survived? Nobody knows. We all know that that kid became Scarlet's and my first son... A son for Halloween. As for the people that forced me to drink the liquid, take internal organs, and cloned me, they were arrested. The liquid turned out to be a everyday drowsy medicine. I don't know what the doctors said it was. As for my family and I... We are happy. Living an every day #life. Free from cruelness and free from cloning. The good thing was... I had long, brown hair...

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