Translate   11 years ago

Compromised Position Droplets of sweat scuttled down my face, mainly forming on my brow and upper lip and then down it went. The day started off quiet the usual way; nothing stirring in the streets nor in the atmosphere, just one of those average day's of nothingness that felt nothing but a bore. I was sprung out all over my bed just doing one thing, the thing my mother dearest most hated me doing; which was of course, daydreaming. I loved doing it, it was my favourite thing to do which required no effort at all. I'm one of those people who loves to gallivant around without a task; more of a free spirit me. I generally only like to seek pleasure in #life, the kind that does nothing for me but just gives me a moment of satisfaction knowing that I have had my fun and it was nothing serious. This is a bit crazy, I'm not a whore or anything; It may have made me sound like one but that's just me, I don't really mind what people think of me as long as it doesn't intervene in my #life. What I mean is, I like to stay happy and positive at all times and self loathing is not my style; I say, do things that make you happy but not others sad, what I really want to say is, don't be a bitch just because it feels good to feel powerful and superior; just be a better person of your self so that you and your circle of people are all happy and content. Back to the sweaty bit. I found myself in one of those awkward and uncomfortable situations again; this may actually be the understatement of the year, by all means I'm a sucker for attention but in this case I would love to just crawl away and lay under a rock. Ironically my thoughts have actually some what been brought to #life at this instant. I am literally on my stomach, on the floor but under a strangers bed; sweating like a pig who's not sure if it's wet herself or has sweat so excessively to be able to even know the difference.

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