Translate   12 years ago

Power Hatred: a universal feeling of anger and rage inspired by an object or a person. This is how I feel when I look upon the face of my identical twin brother Lieo. The hall is steeped in darkness, sparse patches of light coming from torches that have been methodically laid out, as to provide the least light possible whilst still having enough light to see. "Beautiful is it not brother!? How ironic that we will face our death in the same church hall where we were born." Lieo inhaled deeply after he had spoken. He stood under a chandelier and the light danced upon his golden armour, making him almost angelic. "Lieo! You god damn fool, how could you do this to us!? Your family!? Your friends! WHY!? Why did you kill everyone...?" I could not stand to look at him, his pale face so identical to mine, disgusted me. He golden locks framed a face lacking any emotional depth. What had happened to him in those four years? "Dear bro-" Within a second of the silence, Lieo had materialised behind me and then came the pain. Heat. An intense heat, that is how it began, spreading outwards from where the sword protruded from my chest, slowly it ran it's tendrils up and down my torso until it had enveloped my entire body. My knees give out and I fall down, time moves slowly in this trance, it s not how I expected death to feel like, strangely I could still hear. "Well brother, I found out the truth. The truth about our family line! Our heritage!!" Slowly the heat begins to travel, the pain begins to recede... "You see brother, did you never wander? Why we were always treated differently!? Why you could do things that others could not? Well I did brother, I wandered." My vision came back into focus and with it, a new level of intensity, like I could see every minute detail and take it all in, no matter where I looked. "I travelled Brother: I searched for our family, but none would speak to me, some even treated me as if I were a demon. A demon Brother. Wouldn't that be funny?" Suddenly, the heat became condensed inside my chest, a ball of raw heat an rage, I locked eyes with Lieo and it erupted. Power, pure unbridled, unchecked power. It coursed through my entire body, before I knew it, I was standing begin Lieo embedded my fist hard into his spine, the sickening snap that was all too audible in the near silent hall, only furthered my blood lust. The force of the blow slammed Lieo into the closest wall, then instantaneously I was there, pounding my fists into his back over and over and over again. When the power had subsided, I forced my brothers blade out from whence it came. The pain dulled by the adrenaline. The blade fell to the floor and I fell soon after. I could feel my consciousness slipping and just as the darkness took over, Lieo stood above me, smiling. "How...Not.. Poss...ible?" He was silent for what seemed like an age. "Finally you have awoken... Brother."

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