Traducciones   10 años

luminosity. I let my self down. I surrender in defeat. I fall to the ground. I let myself drown. You look at me and you feel empowered. Is it because you see a coward? Is it something in me others hate? I do not intend to always irritate,I only intend to portray kindness and love in hopes on day that could be enough. To give as you wish to receive is nothin less than a pipe dream. For the light to show and the darkness to slowly go, is more of what I wish could be. But as I get older I sadly see that's nothing but a waistless thought in a world with absolutely no plot. I've lost hope. Then a glimpse will glisten and il sit back to listen and wonder if the decision of whom is given will benefit more than them self. I get to close to the edge of my seat to plummet in my own defeat as no one seems to meet the expectations I have. Human kind is a species I am, yet can not figure out. Is kindness and giving not what #life is truly about? Yes,In a fairy tale where magic is real and the good people win. Not in this #life time. It's you or them. Why was that not the lesson I was taught! Could have saved me years of being caught, hurt and damaged left to feel trapped. In a place where clearly no one gives a crap. If it does not benefit you why push for it. if it is not what you want to do why not ignore it? I was taught that light will out weigh the dark. That's like telling yourself you won't find a used needle at the park. All in all you can't break me. I will go along spreading my hopeless attempts to feel free. from the cruel intentions this world has planned. And I will be that one who will still lend out that "helping hand". Just keep in mind that me always giving, is what makes me feel empowered. I'm my own secret weapon. To You,you still see a coward to me that doesn't seem to matter. You seem to have forgot you can not break something already shattered. This world is a place full of ugly and you're apart of that mess. Have fun being rude to a person who couldn't care less.

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