Translate   10 years ago

The Paper Telephone I am the narrator. I am going to tell you a story, a girl, a friend, dreams and words. I will tell you she is blind, I will tell you she dreams about words, about a friend. I will also tell you she is nine. A nine years old blind girl. The name will not be important now, but for the sake of convenience, she is called Elizabeth. She recently passed away between the words "she" and "is". Normally I don't go around and see cracks of poisoned smiles on the faces of the unbreathing, they usually show remorse, however she died in bed in a good dream, and here is how. Here is her death story. Her last dream. The wind of the night was strong, the grass was cold, Elizabeth waited for her friend to return from her thoughts, to summon before her. The mountains glared at her from their high and mighty throne, lifting a ball of fire up from their backs. The sun was rising. Elizabeth waited for her friend, sitting on the grass as mildew started to dry, the sun was hot that day. As usual, a man walked out of a tree, through no doors but wood and air, and he sat down with the girl, her eyes closed, sleeping. But she was awake, she found the fact that she could never see her dreams comforting. Who knew where she was, who her friend truly was, how the world of opened eyes outside thoughts was, who she was. Who she was was a girl about to die. The man gently laid his hand onto her opened palms, speaking empty words into her ears, words that I could not hear from above the mountains. Surprisingly, the man did not stay for long, he walked back into the tree, and the girl sat alone. Slowly, she opened her eyes and she saw the world, beautiful and unreal, in her thoughts. She touched the grass, she smelled them. She played with the trees and asked her friend to come out from them. She sat down again and laughed, she saw the sunrise. As the sun crawled up on the curtains of blue, the grass felt warmer, it started to burn her hands, her feet. She tried to find a place to hide, but there was grass and wood, and they were burning. Burning badly. I freed her once her breath stopped. I freed her with a heart, from chains of darkness and sorrow, and she saw the outside world for the last minute, before Death retrieved her from her skin and mortal coil.

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