Translate   10 years ago

Have you ever wanted to just run away but you can't because you just love your family to much? What if you did that? I once thought of it then I thought what if I die or get kidnapped? Yea, my sister does this all the time but what if she get kidnapped or am I being over dramatic? I am 13 years old and soon to be 14. I've been through some tough times! I always ask questions and sometimes to much. I just wish I could have the ability to know everything, wouldn't that be great! My mom is fair, that is until my grandma came along. She is so strict and unfortunately her and her boyfriend aren't exactly together anymore so they aren't going to Colorado. She makes me do everything from dishes to floors. It doesn't seem like much but you would understand if you were me. She yells at me and makes me feel worthless! She said I was nothing to me today, and that just hurts. Sometimes I wish she just disappeared. I have a stepdad and we aren't close. I call him by his name, not dad. But I'm glad he's here because, if he weren't here I wouldn't have my sister. She is really important to me, I would give my #life for her! I will continue this later I'm gonna go chores!

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