Demon Keeper Chap. 7 Last time, Dr. Odd was attempting to kill me with a chainsaw. It turns out, she was testing my speed. She says I can run pretty fast, well I thought I was going to die... Now I was hooked up to some machine, it had those little suckers that you stick on people's forehead. "Um, is this safe?" I asked. "Yes it is. As long as you, absolutely, positively, do not scream when you feel pain. " "What?! Wait- OW!" I yelled in pain, feeling multiple shocks. After two minutes, I felt like my head was going to explode. "Now for one more test!" Dr. Odd exclaimed. "NO." I refused to go in pain any longer. What happened next, was too fast. A dart shot me in my behind, and I fell to the ground, asleep. I was standing on water, it was completly black, even the water... And Ash was there, but he was younger. And so was I. A green flower dropped in my hand, Ash smiled. "Green is natures hardest hue to hold. Your green, Bright. I'll always protect." He said, as the flower turned red , and burst. A tear ran down my face, then my eyes open. I'd been crying, and Ash was standing in the corner. "Hey Ash?" He looked at me. "Yeah?" I tilted my head. "Do I know you?" He shook his head. "Oh." I looked at my lap. He sighed, and helped me up. "I don't know why you're so upset. But if I did know you, I wouldn't remember." I gave a questioning look. "My memory was stolen from me. That's why I'm here, to get it back." He responded. THIS IS WAAAAYYY OVER DUE! But I posted! Yes, I, MusicNerd, posted.
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