Translate   10 years ago

Doctors Assistant-1 Jess sat on the chair she was tied to. She worked for the doctor. He made sex drugs and she was his lab rat. "Jess" he called "new drugs". The doctor injected the drug in her arm. Minuites later jess lay slumped in the chair. She gasped "water!" "I don't have water but I have something else" the doctor replied unzipping his trousers and pulling his willy out. Jess had no intention of fighting the drug. It made clasp it in her mouth. "Suck for it" he adviced and the drug made her suck. When that was done the drug stopped. "Next" the doctor said and injected the next drug. Jess found herself desiring the doctor. He walked over to her and waited for her reaction. The drug made her reach out for him. He laughed and undressed himself then undressing jess. Jess slumped further "fuck me" the drug begged. The doctor did. Jess screamed. When that was done she began exploring him with her tongue while he moaned. He risked untying her. The drug made her lay on top of him and explore more. Hi shoved his thumb in her vagina. They both moaned. "This is the drug" he exclaimed as jess sucked his erect dick. He squeezed her boobs and sucked her hard nipple. Jess was then returned to the horrible prison.

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