Tradurre   13 anni fa

The Quest Hi. I think I'll start with a brief background and then the conclusion. I've been working as a Flash Developer for some seven years now. Started my own company as a freelancer three years ago. #life's been good, but Flash is partly being replaced by other technologies, and they seem really cool. The minute I lifted my eyes from the book of Flash, I was caught in a quest for knowledge. So, the past 6 months I've spent a lot of time trying to extend my skills as an Interactive Developer. I've studied development for - and learned a lot about - iOS (XCode and Objective C), Android (Java), Titanium Mobile (cross platform native mobile apps through Javascript), mobile web, HTML5, CSS3, Ruby on Rails, OOP Javascript and jQuery. I've also taken a course in Unix... I'm thinking I should write about everything I've learned - both to share and to help sorting it out in my own head. Hopefully I can help other Flash Developers who feel the need to switch arena.

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