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The World Of Powers. 3 sisters. 2 brothers. A mom and a dad. And a wish. That's all I had, an average family and a wish. And as usual my wish was like every other kids, having a super power and being a hero. I remember spending hours practicing flying by running real fast and jumping down 2 or 3 steps of stairs hoping that when I got to the last step, I would be hovering over it , just floating there. But as usual, I would be standing at the end of the stairs just hoping that the next time I did it that I would be flying. But it didn't happen. Once the practicing was done I would start wishing again closing my eyes real hard and saying over and over again "I wish I could fly, I wish I could fly". also wishing on the first star I would see at night and blowing out the candles on my birthday cake. But those wishes didn't help either. I never flew, I never was a hero, I was never really a somebody.... Always a nobody. So then after a while I stopped wishing, practicing flying, trying to be a hero, I just moved on with my #life and forgot about it. Said goodbye and moved on. That was of corse until 5 years later when I met him. The man that would change my #life forever. And his name was Gonhanocom. Or just Gonh. Tell me if you like it in the comments and I will make more chapters!

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