♥️♠️The Jokers Pair♣️♦️ C rusading throughout Gotham at night. R eining over the streets causing a fright. I n bright outfits that don't colour match. M ischievous maniacs and hard to catch. I lluminate grins that are set out to scare. N oises down dark ally's enter if you dare. A ll set for havoc and to rob you all blind. L aughing in success of our criminal mind! P raying on the weakest just for some fun. A rt galleries are held ransom by a gun. R ight we're warmed up let the games start. T errifying Gotham City right to the heart. N ow time to get really twisted and sick. E ffigy of our terror built brick by brick. R ight over a city that's dead and decaying. S inners and saints will all be left praying. HarleyQuinn ™

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