çevirmek   11 yıllar önce

A Brief Look Backwards The Inn had a feel of misuse about it, that and previous overuse. Maybe it was the way the bar was chipped and scratched; or the carpet, faded and threadbare, so much so that it was impossible to tell its original colour. Even the aged man behind the bar looked as though he had already washed all the glasses but knew that as soon as he finished drying that last cup he would have nothing else to do so polished it off slowly and deliberately. With a disgruntled huff he placed the cup onto the bar's battered pine surface, unable to wring any further satisfaction out of rubbing away any last drops of moisture. He shuffled slowly over to the kegs of ale to check when he'd need a new batch. So little had been drunk that he hadn't needed a new barrel for days, he knew this but inspected anyway, out of habit. A loud bang shattered the peace and a bright blue light flashed brilliantly, filling the room with smoke and the smell of burnt potatoes. When the room finally cleared and the innkeeper thought it safe to look up over the bar he had dropped behind, he saw a wizened, mysterious figure. Cloaked in a midnight blue robe, with a hood that swept up over his head casting his face into shadow. His back was bent with age but his movements were strong and diliberate as a strode proudly up to the bar. As he walked the air seemed to crackle an bend around him, making him seem eerily surreal. When he reached the bar he coughed quietly, as if clearing his throat after not speaking for a long time. 'A table for three, good sir, one out of the way if possible.' His voice was rich and smooth, deepened through the years but still unmistakably fluty and light. The barkeeper nodded slowly, open mouthed with shock at this strange figure. He shuffled round the bar; not how he shuffled before, slowly an purposelessly, but energetically and bouncily. He led the hooded figure to a small booth in the far corner of the inn, room enough for three to sit comfortably on the once plush cushioning and out of the way of other customers, not that there were any. The hooded man bobbed his head with satisfaction, this would suffice. As the barkeeper ambled away he smiled quietly to himself, three customers nearly doubled his usual, three as odd as this first man would almost definitely triple his number. Greetings to those who made it this far I wrote this without much purpose but ideas have begun to flower, is it worth continuing?

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