Mermaids Hey there my name is lola and I'm a mermaid. I know hard to believe right well its true. Im part human which is how come I'm able to do this blog but don't worry I till need water to be what I am. People think that we are like sirens but they are trebly vain and just want to be told their great which is why they sing. It hurts our ears but when I am in my human form its so different I don't know what that is about. I guess I should properly start by saying what i am. A mermaid has a tail but can shed it to stop from us/themselves being discovered. We are able to grow it back but it is a long grievous time of pain so we like to hide instead, but in drastic measures we have to shed it. Our numbers are dwindling and are decreasing from oil spills and hunters trying to get fame and hunt us down, but we are good at hiding. I guess you're now wondering why I am making this blog with our numbers the way they are. I have had permission from our head of year(we have schools too) to make this site to stop humans or half humans from being so juvenile. And its not like I am going to tell you where we are based like other half mermaids not mentioning anyone -Ariel- cause its not smart. Its stupid I have a problem and don't get along with the other half mermaids because they don't accept who they are and they go around pretending to be full blooded mermaids. I hang out with the mermaids that don't fit into the groups at school( populars, cools, geeks and newbs) because I don't fit in either. Oops it time for me to go. I have corse work to do and options to chose. swim you later. Get what I did there. That what my sign outs going to be now. Cheesy I know but oh well. Bye Lola the Mermaid.

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