Translate   10 years ago

Muse Characters Penelope – the artist Karina – the muse The curtains open on a ramshackle studio, scattered with scraps of paper and half-finished paintings. The focus of the room is an overly large easel, angled away from the audience, and a small artist’s stool beside it. Around this is a small circle of clear, clean space, and beyond it, chaos. Scraps of fabric in a thousand hues of colour litter the floor, and what little space is not taken up by ripped canvases is strewn with paintbrushes. The room is colourful, but faded; the patchwork background is overshadowed by the commanding presence of the easel in the centre. A spotlight shines down on this easel with a soft, golden glow, and the remainder of the studio is dimmed. The impression of a door is given at the side of the room. On the small stool perches the artist. She is in contrast to the room, dressed simply, in all black, and though her gaze is locked on the easel in front of her, her eyes appear slightly unfocused. She holds a paintbrush in one hand, and drifts it over the canvas with long, slow strokes. There is a dream-like quality to her movements, and she sings quietly to herself. Penelope: Oh, what sweet creation, I paint your lips with my desire, Speak of love with every lie, Oh, my sweet beloved…. (Her song drifts away as she continues to paint. From the side of the room, another woman enters, and the lights brighten, spreading their glow. She is dressed simply, yet elegantly in white, and her movements are fluid. A tangle of red hair spirals down her back. She crosses to Penelope’s side, and leans down to kiss the back of her neck.) Penelope: [murmuring] Morning. Karina: Morning. [she tilts her head to study the painting] I like it. Penelope: I thought you would. (Karina drapes her arms over Penelope’s shoulders, a casual intimacy.) Karina: Can we go out today? Penelope: I think it’s best if we just stay here. Karina: [sighing] But we never go out. All day, every day, it’s just you and me and this studio. You spend so much time on your artwork. Don’t you ever want a change? Penelope: I have to spend time on my paintings. You know I like to paint a story, and play with emotions on the page. That takes time. And when I want change, I pick a new colour, change the hue. (She reaches for a palette, and dips her brush in red. Karina stiffens, and moving away from Penelope, begins to pace. A faint red light bathes the room in muted colour.) Karina: [getting angry] #life isn’t a painting! You need to get out of this studio. And I do too. Penelope: I have everything I need right here. Karina: [anger mounting] You’re infuriating! You keep me cooped up in here all day, and I can’t breathe! It’s stifling! All you do is paint, paint, paint, and you expect me to hang around and warm your bed for when you finally decide to take a break! Penelope: [brow creasing] Don’t exaggerate. Karina: I’m not exaggerating! Can’t you see what you’re doing? It’s suffocating. Penelope: [beginning to get annoyed] You’re over reacting. Stop being so bloody volatile. Karina: I’m not volatile! I have every reason to be angry! I need more than this! Penelope: More than what? More than me? Karina: [quietly] Maybe. Penelope: [coldly] Then go! You know where the door is. But think carefully. I can get another muse easily! But you, you’re nothing without me. (Karina’s gaze darkens, and she falls quiet as her anger starts to boil over. At the sudden silence, Penelope glances over towards her, and in seeing her, turns to her palette. She picks a soft, calming blue, and turns to paint.) Penelope: I’m sorry. That was harsh. You know I don’t mean it. Please don’t be angry. You were over exaggerating. (The red lighting changes to a gentle blue, casting shadows like water.) ( Karina pauses for a moment, as if torn, but then seems to deflate. The anger ebbs from her features, and she relaxes, moving closer to Penelope.) Karina: [sighing] I guess you’re right. I shouldn’t have exploded like that. I’m sorry. Penelope: [smiling] It’s ok. Everything’s forgiven. (A faint smile crosses Karina’s face and she perches on the edge of a messy table to fiddle with the various pieces of fabric scattered across it. An easy companionship falls upon the room, and Karina hums softly. Penelope picks up the tune, and begins to sing.) Penelope: Oh, what sweet creation, I paint your hands with my intentions, Speak of faith with every lie, Oh, my sweet beloved… (As her song ends, Penelope glances over at Karina, and pauses thoughtfully. After a moment, she dips her brush into a pale, silken pink, and the room hums with the same shade. Her paintbrush caresses the canvas, and after a few strokes, Penelope lifts her head to see Karina gazing at her. She smiles.) Penelope: [softly] Come here. (Karina crosses to her and they embrace, lovingly. There is a murmur of soft words, and Karina’s mouth moves over Penelope’s shoulder, neck, mouth. They break apart, for a second, and a question is whispered in Penelope’s ear.) Penelope: [breathlessly] Yes. (A smile lights Karina’s face, and grabbing Penelope’s hand, she pulls her towards the door. In their haste, they do not notice the colour palette sat precariously at the edge of the table. They bump into it, knocking the palette and sending colours flying. Multi-coloured dabs of paint fall onto the canvas, and Penelope’s eyes go wide.) Penelope: [desperately] No! (She reaches forward, clutching at nothing, the damage already done. Karina backs away, stumbling, and falls to the ground. She begins to scream.) (The room spins in a whirl of different coloured lights; blues, reds, greens, purples, every colour imaginable. Through the chaos, there is the faint image of Penelope rushing to Karina’s side. And then, for a moment, the room goes dark.) (The lights flicker back on, a simple white. Karina is gone. Penelope begins to clear away the split paint. The dream-like look has gone from her eyes, and she appears frustrated. As she cleans, she mutters to herself.) Penelope: Well done, Penelope. Of course you’d manage to muck up the one painting that was going right. Bloody typical. (She crosses to the easel, and picks up the ruined canvas. Looking at it, she sighs.) Penelope: I almost had something with this one. Could’ve made a great story. (She sets the canvas down, away from the mess of paint, and as she does, turns it towards the audience. The painting is marred from the spilt palette, but beneath the splattering, a picture can be made out. It shows a woman, dressed simply, yet elegantly in white. A tangle of red hair spirals down her back.) (Penelope finishes cleaning, and sets a new canvas down on her easel.) Penelope: Ok, time for a new muse. I think I’ll call you Bethany. (She begins to paint, and the lights dim. As the curtains begin to close, Penelope’s voice drifts out.) Penelope: Oh, what sweet creation, Oh, my sweet beloved…

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