ترجم   منذ 10 سنوات

She's Fighting! It's a cold heart with a mind that shows People don't understand her They don't know why she blows! She's fighting for her freedom She's fighting for hope She's fighting for everything that others took as a joke Vague images that fill her mind Destruction, ruin, pain, she feels defined Trying not to be bound on those who laughed when they made that bet Shes trying so hard of those nights to forget Her pure heart was ripped open All innocence taken away The words that they told them Darkness surrounded them, purely no day! She dreamt of the day she'll see her family again Just a bit of hope is all she needed even a slight feel of rain As she hears a whisper in her ear Her heart cleared with fear She heard these words and more Hold on it's all worth fighting for She's fighting for freedom She's fighting for hope She's fighting for everything that others took as a joke Even though she was blessed enough to escape that place She still remembers the others not lucky enough to escape And the wounds that broke them that cannot be replaced She'll never forget her past but has hope for the future It's now her turn to fight for the others As she kept thinking someone else should have done this sooner She's fighting for their freedom Shes fighting for them to gain hope She's fighting for everything there is no time to joke

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