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All At Once Chapter One Never being accepted in a new place is the worse. I've never really understood how pressuring it could be making a first appearance, a first impression, but that all changed when I met Lindsey, a new girl from a different city moved to our school. She came off shy and kind, her long brown hair and fair skin, with a piercing on the side of her nose. She is pretty and instantly got the attention of the boys in our classroom. I watch as she walks toward me now closer and closer. Is she coming over to talk to me? Or am I just being naive thinking, possibly hoping she will? She stops in front of me. "Hi I'm Lindsey" she introduces herself and smiles warmly. "I'm Kayla" I reply and return a smile back. She nods and sits next to me and crosses her leg over the other and pulls her phone out checking on some apps. I look as people start whispering and look over in our direction. Typical talking about the new girl, can't this school get anymore mature and grow up? I watch as my best friend walks toward us smiling. Her blonde hair falls past her shoulders and down her mid upper back, she has fair skin, and green eyes. She's in cheer uniform I'm guessing one of the Freshman teams have a game today, it's probably the basketball team or the soccer players. "I'm Riley, Hi Kayla" Riley greets and Lindsey looks up and smile flashing straight white teeth. "I'm Lindsey, are we allowed to be on our phones in this class or is it a no?" She asks while glancing around the room looking to see if anyone else is on there phone as well. "I'm not sure usually everyone is on there phone, but I don't think were suppose to be" Riley replies and tugs at the bottom of her cheer uniform. "Okay class put your technology away, no food as well not unless I'm eating then you can eat but I'm not so no eating for now" our teacher says he walks toward the middle of the circle. "I guess that answers that question" Lindsey says and laughs while wrapping her head phones around her IPhone and tucking it away into her purse. We all sit talking, our conversations filling up the room as we become louder and louder. "Class quiet down please, quiet down" our teacher sings the last part and we all settle down and focus on what our teacher has to say. He shifts and looks around scanning the room not noticing Lindsey, our new student. I wonder how long it will take him to notice our new student in the classroom. He smiles as he grabs a chair and sits in the large circle. "Let's play some warm up games" he says and people smile in delight of what will happen. Justin stands up and starts hitting his thighs and claps his hand and repeats this, everyone starts laughing and stands up to join this familiar game. Lindsey however looks around in confusion as she doesn't know. "Big booty, big booty ah yeah, big booty big booty big booty" Justin says and everyone in unison and we all smile. "Big booty number one" our teacher says. "Number one, big booty" Justin replies. The point of the game is to stay on beat, on rhythm and saying the right words, it's a concentrating game. It's a little inappropriate with the words of the song but I think that's what makes it fun as well, the fact that it's inappropriate and the beat of the game. "As much as I would love to play big booty, we have other warm up games" our teacher says and everyone starts to complain. "Settle down settle down, we're playing Squirt" the teacher says and everyone cheers once more. This is going to be an interesting period. --- "Everyone is like a family in our class, we all know each other" Riley explains to Lindsey. It's true and we all have our sections, our groups we hang out in as well. There are the cool people, the normal people, and the misfits. I'm normal, but I hang out with the so called "cool" crowd in this class since I know quite a few of them. "Well that's just great, you all know each other and I'm just the new girl" Lindsey says not happy about the news. Riley and I frown in shock. "You'll fit right in" I inform her and Riley nods her head agreeing with me. "We're accepting, you won't feel alone or anything, or an outcast, we'll make you feel welcomed, part of the family, are you in Dada" Riley asks. Dada is our school group name for us theatre and arts kids, it contains; photography, choir, music, creative designs, and of course theatre and tech theatre. There are many types of theatre here; beginner, intermediate, advanced, tech theatre and a few more. The choices are endless. "Yes I'm in Dada" Lindsey replies and it makes agitated for a second, I applied for Dada and I didn't get accepted, I got to be in this class but I wasn't an official "groupie" or me member which sucks, but there's always next year. "Hey have you heard about the latest party" David asks? We all shake our head and lean in waiting to hear the gossip. "Jack got drunk and had to go to the hospital for drinking so much, and his mom was pissed off at him and then Jaxon.." David starts but stops when he looks at me. My eyes stare down at the ground, I don't want to hear about what my ex boyfriend has done this time, how much he drank or how he partied, or what person he hooked up with. "Kayla I'm sorry, I didn't mean too" David starts and his face shows the regret. "It's fine David, Jaxon and I are friends now I might as well hear it from you now then hear it from Jaxon later" I cut him off as my eyes meet his. I look at Lindsey and see the confusion stuck on her face. "Jaxon was my boyfriend, he dumped me, we agreed to be friends and I moved on if he wants to hook up and drink then let him, it doesn't concern me anymore he's not mine." I explain. Everyone around us become quiet. Jaxon.. The boy who has caused trouble since day one.

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