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She Blushes "Have you ever wanted to just run and never look back, to...to just escape from it all. To try and get away?" She says while looking at her feet. He answers quietly "Never thought I could" She frowns at him confused "Why ? It's your chose and your #life what's holding you back ?" He stars in the distance as if his seen something "I've got family here ...friends that I care about" he turns to look at her "friends that I hope care for me too" She looks up to see him watching her with soulful eyes "Well I never thought about my family or my friends I've always thought for my self, you know I guess that's a bit selfish" He nudges her with his shoulder "your anything but selfish, you care about people..a lot in fact I think you care too much" She blushes and looks away quickly, hoping he didn't notice. "That's true" she says, trying to pick at her shoes and not look at him "I do care too much but some one has too around here".

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