Translate   10 years ago

Scene 3 Lula: do you hear that, it sounds like Raven Petra: are you sure why would he come to us Lula: I don't know but I'm pretty sure its Raven: ahh you two. It's a delight to see you again( points to Petra ) my dear Lula: (raven raises sword) Raven you wouldn't, especially to your Raven: don't say it. Of course i wouldn't i shall not kill you but paralyse your lovely little friend(waves wand and casts spell) Lula: Raven you actually did it to your Raven: don't say it and don't tell her the truth ( Raven leaves) Petra: he casted a spell but not a very powerful one Lula: Petra! Petra: please, Lula, tell me the truth Lula: it's not that easy Petra: why, why isn't it? Lula: Raven, the man who Petra: who's after that boy. He's not the boss of you Lula: you wouldn't believe me. Sometimes the truth is hard to explain and sometimes the truth is not what it seems Petra: yes but I want to know, I want to know why Raven wants that boy Lula: I am afraid i can't tell you that but I'll tell you one word, just one, evil. Petra: Evil? Who? Lula: obviously it's Raven Petra: but it's not enough i want more, much more Lula: i only said one word Petra: fine ( sighs) but one question. Why didn't you kill Raven when you had the chance? Lula: well I don't have the powers to defeat him Petra: so when we get there how are we going to stop Raven Lula: I'll disarm him. Without his trusty wand he's nothing. Now no more questions we better get going before the spell cannot be broken

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