Holes Jack, a young adult by the age of 13, was spending another boring weekend at his grandparents house. Great, another weekend of scrabble and old people food, he thought. Worst of all, his grandparents had no wifi, no Xbox and no TV. His grandparents greeted him at the door with warm smiles and extremely tight hugs, emptying Jack's lungs of air. They then showed Jack to the guest room, where, within minutes he was playing his PSP. That night, it took Jack half an hour to get to sleep, he couldn't shake the feeling that he wasn't alone in the room, he knew this was silly, but still he felt uneasy. When Jack woke up, 4 holes were dotted around the room, one on each wall. Strange, Jack was sure that the holes hadn't been there before. He decided to ask his grandparents later, and went back to sleep. The next night, it took a Jack a while to sleep again, he was sure that thee was somebody else in the room with him. Once again, he was eventually asleep, but this time when he woke up, at half 12, thousands of holes dotted on every wall, and he heard the mechanic chink if metal hitting agains something else, and a pickaxe went through the wall, following the pickaxe, Jack could see a sharp, piercing blue eye, watching him. Jack never went back to his grandparents, he still sits, shaking, on his mental hospital bed.

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