Special 10 I looked at everyone and they looked at me. No one ever looked so happy to see me. I called a bus and led them to a street. I looked into my backpack and gave everyone some band aids. When we got to the road we saw cops and ambulance trucks. One of the cops shook my hand. I saw a news crew and a reporter pulled me to the side. "What exactly happened?" They asked me. "Well all I know is my friend Keaton was texting me about the plane crashing and told me he needed me to come help them because he was the only one with a working cell phone. I took a bus to get here and then found them and led them up here. If you need more information on the crash then talk to Keaton." I said. KEATON: I watched Maddie talking to a news reporter. I saw a black car stop and then a girl came out. When Maddie I noshed her report she cried out, "Holly! Your here!" I looked closer at he girl and it was in fact Holly. Before I could walk over to her a reporter pulled me aside and asked, "we need some moe information on the crash." "Well, There was a huge storm and the plane started spiraling down. I texted the girl you just talked to about it and when the plane crashed I asked her for help and well, she actually came. Some people are just miracles in disguise." I said. The reporter dismissed me and I walked over to Holly and Maddie. Holly smiled and said, "aw there's the couple." Maddie playfully punched her shoulder. Maddie smiled. Holly said, "I actually have a boy Id like you to meet, Maddie. Keaton, meet Max. A tall boy with brown hair and ice blue eyes walked over. MADDIE:He smiled. I waved. "You do anything bad to her then your going down little man," I joked. He laughed. "Let's go," said Holly and opened the doors of the car. It was Max's car. I got into the bak seat a with Keaton and Holly sat in the front with Max. MAX: Man I've never seen anything like this in my #life. I meet a girl on the streets if Florida and we asks me to drive her to a forest and then somehow she ends up liking me. A bit of a sticky situation. I drove them back to where they loved and Holly asked me to stay for dinner. I said fine, because I don't even have a house and I live in a car so I could use some food. Long story. When we were eating dinner with Maddie and Keaton, Maddie slipped on water. I helped her up and didn't realize what I was doing. KEATON: Hm is he trying to steal my girlfriend I have no idea. He helps her up and asks her if she's ok and stuff. I know he's trying to be nice but I don't know what his reason is. Holly looked at me and I said, "Īm gonna go get more soda can you show me were it is Holly?" She nodded and we went into the kitchen and I whispered, "Is he hitting on Maddie or what?" Holly whispered, "I'm not sure, let's watch from here and see what he does." I nodded. We watched and they were just acting normal. We walked out and I sipped my soda. As long as he doesn't steal my girl, #life is good.
ðCoolð Wolfð
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