Translate   12 years ago

The Spoons Of Old In 1967 a women named Samantha lived alone in a cottage just south of london many people believed that she has been living there since the 15th century, although no proof has been found, In fact samantha suffered from a mental illness that could not be cured or treated her IQ was extraordinary and was capable of things beyond the average human, but enough of the rambling lets get to the story CHAPTER 1 18th December 1967 Samantha received a letter from an asylum that she was going to be taken and detained their for quite some time, Samantha was horrified by the letter and instantly knew who had arranged for her detention, Samantha left the letter on top of the fireplace she sat down on the floor thinking of what she could do so she could escape death again.. She struck a match and burned the letter along with the pictures and the series of other letters that had been sent to her by the same man, she deleted him from her memory. She then boiled the kettle and brewed up some tea, in her cupboard drawer there were only knifes and forks which was rather odd. She grabbed a fork and quickly drained the tea bad and drank her tea in one go. She was petrified. CHAPTER 2 21st December 1967 a man dressed in white that parked outside her cottage knocked on the door, Samantha knew he was their and desperately needed a place to hide as the pounding on the door the man got more violent and smashed down the door but luckily Samantha had hidden in her attic she decided to fight back, she walked slowly over to a chest that had gathered dust in the back corner of the attic near the large wooden beam she unlocked it and carefully removed 1 silver spoon and 1 gold spoon. This was the first time in 20years since she has seen the spoons, as the man was lurking around the house he came across the ladder leading into the attic he said as he climbed up "I know what your looking for and they are not going to save you now, i stole the book that you need so you cannot wield such a magical object " Samantha launched the spoon from across the attic and hit him directly on the temple knocked him out instantly... Chapters 3,4&5 soon!!

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