Translate   10 years ago

Sightseeing 4 My ears were wringing. They preformed the surgery they had planned on doing early. They told me to talk and I said, "Thank you" but I could only whisper. Better than nothing. They said it would've turned out the same if I had stayed in the hospital the first time. The doctors left the room. I looked out the window an it was raining, but I saw a lot of umbrellas. I heard a knocking sound and I looked around. I looked towards the door and he was standing there. I stood up and limped over to the door. I opened the door and he walked in. "Thank you" I whispered. He looked at me and he was smiling, just barely. "I'm glad it payed of and that crazy kidnapper got arrested," he said. I nodded. "What's your name?" I whispered, "You did pay for all of this." "My name is Jack," he said. He gave me the newspaper and showed me the title. "Vanessa Williamson arrested on 24th street." "Wait what's your last name?" I asked. "Williamson,"he said grimly. I grabbed a tray and held it up. He pulled tw tray down. "You really think I would arrest my own mother and then try to kill you when she was trying to do just that?" He said. I put the tray down. A doctor walked in. "Holly Wattson you can leave the hospital. I'm afraid we've done everything we can to restore your voice." I looked at the doctor and nodded. They gave me a wheelchair and said, "Now Holly stay calm but we have to take you to be adopted." My eyes widened. Jack was still there and he just watched. The doctors pushed my wheelchair into a car and drove me away. Fear poured into me. There was no escape from fear though. Jack waved at me and I waved back. I may never see him again. No escape from... Fear.

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