Translate   10 years ago

Sightseeing 3 I was off in the street alone because the doctors all said I had to get adopted. Why bother? Once you love someone they just disappear. You can't trust fate, that's why I promised myself to not trust people, most of them. I looked around and I saw a big bus driving down the street. I almost thought I saw him. I could nearly recognize his bright green eyes and dark brown hair by now. I watched the bus go by and waved, I couldn't tell of he waved back or not. A doctor came out and told me I needed another surgery to get my voice back. I once again told them, "I still don't have money." Their faces went stone cold. They needed money to preform the surgery. I threw the magazine I was holding against the wall. I needed my voice back! One of the doctors pulled me aside and said, "I don't want to alarm you but rumor has it the woman who burned your house down is trying to find you. I wouldn't go outside anymore." I nodded and went up to my room. When the surgeons came up to my room a threw them a penny. That was all I had. They held it in their hand and ave it back. I soon passed out as they did the surgery, or so I thought. I woke up and I was not in the hospital. I was in the middle of a forest, duck tape over my mouth, and I was tied up in vines. I looked around and thought, how did I get here? Then I realized. Her. She wanted revenge and she wants it now. I saw walk over laughing and says smugly,"how silly of me I put duct tape on your mouth, when you can't even talk," and she ripped the duct tape off. She threw me a newspaper to look at and left again. I looked at the news. "Holly Wattson" (Me) "Stolen from hospital during surgery!" Was on the cover. I let out a high pitched squeak in hopes someone might find me. She came back and cut the vines. I started to run but she said, "You move and I mess you up more than I'm planning on. I stopped and stood still. "Now stay calm and let me pick you up." My eyes widened. She was gonna throw me again. She picked me up and then I saw a pair of bright green eyes in the distance. I tried to get out of her grasp but she cut my hand lightly with her knife. Well I was freaking out now. Sirens were now flashing in every direction. I let or a squeal and then she covered my mouth. She tied me up again, much tighter than before, and put more duct tape on my mouth. Then she blindfolded me. The next thing I knew I was being thrown into a wall of. some sort. She picked me up again and I got my blindfold off and looked down. We were climbing up a small mountain. We got on a ledge and she put up a tent. When she went to sleep, I rolled down the mountain. It was a huge risk but I would do anything at this point. I started rolling and made it down. I heard her wake up and I kicked my feet out of the vines. I started walking and then I turned around and a hammer flew towards my head and I was out cold. She had me but someone was chasing us. I looked over her shoulder and saw him. He came alone. She stopped and said "why am I scared of a little kid?" She said smirking,"You won't get your little friend back until I'm through with her." Next thing I know, she's out cold and I fall down. He rips the vibe off me and calls the cops. I tried to squeak but now, I couldn't even do that.

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