çevirmek   11 yıllar önce

Enemy's 3. Anna-Leis I gently picked yup her palm and began tracing her #life line, over and over. "I'll tutor you," she smiled finally. "Thanks," "I hate you," "I hate you too," Cass got up, straightening her denim shirt. I pulled her back down. "Does garlic ward off lesbians too?" Cass basically growled into my ear before she left. I smiled and bit my lip, how could she be straight. This wasn't over. I threw on my studded leather jacket and re tied my boot laces, before grabbing my vans bag and plugging in my headphones. PE next. Great. I walked through to the changing rooms and pulled my shorts and tshirt from my bag. Sighing, I put away my phone and began to get changed. When I had put my shorts on, Cass walked next to me. "What about a stake to the heart?" she whispered. I pulled off my top and changed it to my white PE one. "Where have you been?" shouted Addison, from across the room. She tipped her head to gather all of her blonde curls and tied it in a hair tie. I rolled my eyes and did the same to my own hair. "Detention," I said blankly, like I didn't really care, "with that slut." I used my eyes to signal to her. "She's not a slut," "Who's a slut?" said Cass, with raised eyebrows. "Certainly not you," I stated simply, before turning to face her. "Good. What have you got in PE?" She asked. "Netball," I smiled. I grabbed her wrist, discreetly, "my house. Tomorrow. At 7. Bring your books. Ok." I winked and she shifted, looking like she wanted my to let go of her. "I have gym tomor-" she began. "Then maybe you should get your priorities in order?" I smiled, sweetly as she quickly turned on her heels and left. This will be fun.

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