10th Story Synopsis Ch.10: Live With The Devil A young woman called Josie who is mentally abused by her sister lives with her brother Gregory she is so desperate to get away from her sister she tells Audrey her sisters secretly beats young women & fools everybody including her brother into thinking she's such a good person. Is this the truth that Josie speaks or a desperate act to get her sister out of her #life for good. Audrey feels deep sympathy for this girl but she must not let her emotions get too much in the way she goes to talk to Alexander about it because they have become great friends. In the end Audrey must face the fact though that there is nothing she can do to help Josie no matter how much she herself wants to. Josie has made herself and wants to believe so much that her sister is a horrid person. The truth though is there is no solid evidence her sister is guilty even though she desperately wants her to be.

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