Translate   10 years ago

The crown of elements Scene 1: the tide Luke: so, what shall we do today , sis. Petra: I don't know don't feel like doing anything today. Luke: oh come on, there's loads of stuff do to like Petra: like what going to the beach? Luke we did that yesterday and the day before that and the day before that. Luke: oh no, the the tides coming in and fast. Petra: warn everyone before we (drowning) drown Lukeon the surface) Petra don't drown please don't... Petra!? ( Petra drowns and lays on the sand) Luke: (spots Petra ) Petra I'm coming don't worry. Oh who am I talking to shes probably dead. ( tide starts to go out) who's doing that, who's bringing the tide out Lula:it is me Lula the rage fairy Luke: whatever you are help my sister Lula: death has come but soon will be gone and #life will grow bring back the people we know( casts spell) Petra: who are you Luke: I'm your Brother Petra Petra: i-i don't remember anyone including Lula: this never happens..we must take her back to Rafar Luke: what's Rafar Lula: Rafar is a land where creatures like me come from. Luke: if Petra is coming then so am i and I don't care if it is too dangerous i want to be with my sister Lula: what about your family Luke: i only care about my sister right now Petra: sister? Lula:we better get going before something else happens to her

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