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The school gang Chapter 1 Meet The Paxton School Gang There were 3 people, Hannah,Bonnie and George lived in a flat near their school.they were considered cool in their school unlike the people living next to them. The were considered as nerds. They all went to the same school, Paxton school which was just down the street. The people who were living next door, Katie, Harold and Jared are the only nerds in the whole school and they get bullied in school by Jordan Malakow who was in year 5, 2 years below them. But this was about to change. Hannah, Bonnie and George went down the street to have a party that the so called nerds were not allowed to go to. Harold always had liked Bonnie and that day when the cool people left Harold Unwinds a paperclip and stuck it through the key hole. It didn't work, he spit his gum out and stuck it through the key hole. He took it out of the key hole and he had an exact replica of the shape of the key. He took another paper clip and unwinded it and stuck both paper clips through the key hole. The door opened he shut it behind him. He opened Bonnie's diary and looked at a page,the page read 'today George nearly looked into my diary luckily Hannah stopped him. He still doesn't know I like him' Harold ripped out the page and shut the book . Then he heard them walking towards the door and unlocking the door with the key. Hannah opened the door and everyone saw him. 'Ew what are you doing here?' 'Well what are you doing here?' 'The party was cancelled because of a gas leak.' Bonnie exclaimed 'You don't know what it's like to be a nerd. Nobody ever talks to you except the other nerds. Why do you even call us nerds? We are humans too, and there's no reason for you not to like us' 'Nobody would ever like you' Bonnie said 'Says the person who likes George Antik' 'You do Bonnie' George said surprised 'I do not like George' 'Well your diary says you do' at that moment Katie and Jared came rushing through. 'You like George?' Katie said 'You have been listening' 'Yep 'You were not supposed to say that' Jared said 'Listen, it's either i tell the whole school about you liking George on the school website' 'We have a school website?' Bonnie whispered Harold carried on 'or you treat us like humans not like people from outer space. We have feelings too. Why do you even tease us? Just because we get a plus on tests.In fact you cool people spend to much time going to these lame parties not even worrying what you might become in the future. Us nerds might be boss or manager of some company and you cool people might not even get a job. It's about time you treat people how you want to be treated.' 'I guess he's right.'the very next day both of their flat doors had posters hanging up saying The Paxton School Gang. Chapter 2 ugly purse Harold had an idea with the coolness of The cool people and the cleverness of the nerds they could make a spy team. 'I can locate anyone in the world on the nerd website, made by me Jared and Katie. We are the only ones who know the password. You are the second people to know the password, it's shark612nerdbase. I figured its cool and nerdy so nobody would guess it. Anyway here we are the nerd map. Just type in any random person and type in any time. It will come up with where the person was at that time. For example if I type Jordan Malakow at' Harold looked at his watch it was 4:56. ' 4:56,he should be in class 5 f at Paxton school' 'Whats he doing at school it's the weekend' 'We got a mission on our hands but first we are going to have to give you these fake earrings which will allow us to talk to you' Katie said 'Im not wearing an earring' said George 'You can have the earbud then' 'And these hair bands with a hidden camera... And for you George a button with a hidden camera inside' Jared said 'we will investigate tomorrow morning remember to put these on. Does anyone know which classroom he is going to be in tomorrow morning'Jared said 'Yes I think the year 5 timetable for tomorrow is classroom 6c we are going to need a fake teacher anyone interested?' Katie asked 'My older brother he owes me' George said after a long time waiting his brother arrived. 'What you doing hanging out with these' 'Dont say it' George interrupted 'Okay, okay why do you need me here?' 'You owe me from the time when you broke my favourite video game just cos I was winning. You owe me, big time' 'What do you want me to do?' He asked ' you're going to be a fake teacher now wear this ear bud Harold will tell you what to do' 'First im going to need Hannah to do something' 'Hey what you going to be called. Mr ugly purse' George said and then chuckled 'If you're talking about the purse in that corner well that's my purse' Hannah said 'Thats it Mr. My ugly purse' 'No not that how about Dave Shuttle' 'Fine if you tell anyone about this it's back to Mr. My ugly purse' George said Chapter 3 Vinegar,baking soda, red food colouring, Jordan's English book and a letter from Jordan's mum and dad Mr Brown the real teacher was walking towards 6c class.Hannah was standing near her locker and saw class 6c on her right.she through a one pound coin at Mr brown the real teacher. Mr brown picked it up and said to Hannah 'Hannah is this yours' 'No sir' George hid behind the wall and shot a nerf bullet at Mr brown. 'Did you feel something' as Mr brown turned away Hannah tied a rope around Mr brown,duct taped his mouth, shoved him in her locker, locked the door and add the fake key in the key hole and left it there. Mr shuttle or George's brother entered 6c. 'Hello I am Mr Shuttle I am covering for Mr brown. I hear you're learning about equivalent fractions.' As Harold kept on telling mr shuttle what to say Bonnie crawled in without anyone seeing and hid behind the desk and started to search for clues she found red food colouring, vinegar baking soda, Jordan's English book and a letter from Jordan's mum and dad. After the lesson ended Bonnie hid behind Mr shuttle as he walked out. Then they released Mr brown. He swore to tell nobody about this. The fake key that Hannah put in was still there. The key had a microphone and camera that was facing at class 6c. They could see Jordan staying behind then Mr Clarfe walked in. Katie turned the microphone on. 'Right we got to get this science fair project done and if you don't help me i will get my mum and dad who are lawyers to sue this school' 'Jordan i couldn't find the vinegar baking soda and food colouring but I brought some of my own' 'Good now you go and paint this papier-mâché volcano tonight and remember on the science fair whatever the votes say just announce me winner' 'Yes' Chapter 4 the science fair 'And the winner is' 'Stop Jordan's a cheater he made mr Clarfe help him because if he didn't his mum and dad would sue the school because they are lawyers' 'You don't have any proof Mr Clarfe was helping me' 'Roll the tape' the tape showed everything that they saw through the fake key. 'And that is evidence. And Jordan's mum and dad are not lawyers' 'They are they even sent in a letter' 'You mean this letter which has the same handwriting as you are English book and this letter that Jordan's mum and dad signed for the geography field trip has different handwriting. Oops did i say geography field trip' George said sarcastically 'looks like Jordan is a' 'Say it i don't mind' Harold said in base through the earbud. 'NERD' 'You used me, Jordan is disqualified, Mandy is the winner' 'Wait isn't it school now' Harold said through the ear bud as everyone walked out of the hall. 'Nope our first lesson is in... 5 minutes' Harold rushed to school as quickly as possible he had never been late before Chapter 5 the stall The next day Katie had an idea. She brought everyone together. 'I think we should build a stall' she said 'A stall are you serious' 'Of course I am. We could help people. They come to us and explains what's wrong. One pound per person.' 'One pound at least three. But still I think its a good idea. All the girls will get painting and decorating while all the boys make the stall out of wood.' Bonnie said 'Where are we going to find wood the nearest hardware store is at least 3 miles away and we don't have any transportation. Oh no we are not using the old and rusty bikes, it's been in the garage for years' ' I don't know about you but I don't know how to ride a bike' Harold said ' yeah I don't know either. By the way what's a bike?' Jared asked. George sighed 'I guess I will have to pull you in the wagon' The boys set off a few minutes later. Inside the wagon were Harold and Jared and the wagon was attached to a bike which George was riding. He was going to have to ride it 3 more miles till they p can get there wood, then they would have to come back. ' uhh. Why do I have to bring them anyway? Just because the girls don't know what to do with them' George said to himself ' hey George can we stop of for some ice cream I'm tired' ' tired? I'm the one who's doing all the work. Oh no I can't let my friends see me' Harold had an idea with the cleverness of the nerds and the coolness of thecool

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