Translate   10 years ago

THE DAILY NEWS At river beach primary school we have been making and design rides for haver park . Year three have been working on this for a weak are so . The year three class are dragonfly , butterfly , mayfly and two more . The teachers have been a great , helpful people in are lives at school so thay deserve a thankyou for the teaches sport don't think eny of us code do it with out them so thank you . Mr smart was a really good help with like telling us what we need and how to place thing so thank you mr smart . I also thank miss grevet for have this school because with out this school how would we bild these rides . I would like to thank the teacher the most of helping us more then envy els . Thank you mr cannon for saying that year three could do it . It was always amazing this school and with out this school how would we meet are friends . Thank you mr smart for choosing this school to do a ride for you to pick . I hope we can do something like this again one day I have always like this school and all the teachers in the school also friends and family's By sascha allison dragonfly year three By

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