I'm Just Here To Play | Part Two "Do you know what you have done Rhiannon?" The psychiatrist asked. "Yes." "Do you know why you did it?" "Yes." "Do you have any feelings about what has happened?" "No." It had been three weeks since the little boy and his very large teddy bear had walked in to Rhiannon's living room. And lots had happened. "Do you realise what others feel about the situation?" "Yes." "Explain. How do they feel?" "Angry, hateful, and sad." "Do you think this is fair." "Yes. But I didn't kill him. I promise I didn't." "But Rhiannon, you did. Do you not understand." "I understand Dr Alexander. I understand that I did not kill him." Rhiannon found Dr Alexander very frustrating. She had been hired to 'fix her'. Of course Rhiannon was not a murderer. She wouldn't hurt a fly, unless this fly happened to steal her clothes or rip up her homework. "So then, if you didn't kill him, who did?" "The rabbit killed the very large teddy bear." "No, not the teddy bear Rhiannon. The boy. Who killed the boy?" "Oh, well, the boy was killed by Margaret. The old lady from across the road." To this, the psychiatrist scribbled down on her notepad, delusional. Well Rhiannon would have agreed three weeks ago. But not anymore. "I'm not delusional." Rhiannon said, "there were two murders. The very large bear was killed first. Then the boy." "A rabbit?" "Yes, a rabbit killed the bear. And Margaret killed the boy." "How did this rabbit kill the bear?" " With a shotgun Dr. Alexander." "And how was the boy killed?" "Margaret killed him with a baseball bat." "And was there anyone else there?" "Yes, Jerry Parker's cat."
Bingo Deepdelver
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