Social Or Unsocial Networking I never had a MySpace bebo or anything else.i was actually quite against the whole thing to begin with as I didn't like the idea of people knowing things about me,I mean sure you can set your profile to private but then,wheres the point in having one in the first place,right? Well after much harassment from friends(real #life ones not virtual) I got a Facebook and to be fair it ha helped me to keep in touch with friends who have moved away and even put me back in touch with people I would never have met again but the downside to all this "cyber socialising" is that it makes your real friends lazy.i shouldn't have to read a status update to find out how my friends are.i should be talking on the phone or even by really irritates me how dependant we are on social media and the fact that now a days most people on the tube,bus train whatever will sit there and update their status whilst listening to,in days gone past people would have fact that's how people met new a days if you were to see a pretty girl on the way to work and tried to initiate a conversation she would have to stop updating Facebook,pause her music,remove her earphones and then would probably think you were some kind of weirdo for interrupting whatever music she was listening to! Now how exactly is that "social" networking? Social networking,ruining lives and burning bridges since 2004!