Doctor Who: Evolution This is the beginning, tell me what you think! Narrator: (Spaceships leaving earth)It started when Humans began to explore space, they found many alien worlds and peoples. (Pictures of people living together with aliens)They first began to live with them, learning their ways, but behind this, was a more sinister purpose. (Darkness eclipsing a planet) Space colonization. (Explosions on world and zoom into planet for footage of warfare) Humanity fought and conquered planets. They created an empire and thought they were the kings of the Universe. (Spaceships traveling towards a black and red planet)They could have been, until they found the Daleks. (Rewind picture and sound, still focused on the strange planet) (ships leaving planet)The Daleks had done much the same thing, but hadn't done the settling in bit first. (Images of fire and destruction, screams, blue light in the fog, Dalek emerging from fog) Dalek: Exterminate!!! (Scene freezes for second while changing. Humans stepping out of space ship with gifts. Scene Resume. Daleks Exterminate humans. Screaming resumes. Dalek shoots camera and all goes black, screaming fades out.) (Stars and Space fade in.) Narrator: One spaceship escaped the carnage. ( Small space ship traveling slowly across horizon) (Man kneeling to emperor and telling him the news) It limped home and broke the news to the emperor. (Emperor swipe ornaments off of a shelf next to his Throne in anger) (Fade into Darkness) There began the between Daleks... And men. (Images of War flicker on and off along with screams. Setting changes each image) although they out gunned the Humans, They were outnumbered 20-1. The Daleks needed to end this War quickly, They needed a new plan. And this... Is where the Doctor comes in.

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