Translate   10 years ago

My World Part 1 "Why"said the contractor "because he is the strongest mercenary around,he got trained by "it" when he was 11" said Robert "fine I'll hire David" "ok" "you will have to pay him a lot of money though,remember all he loves is money" "ok I remember". David was sitting on the cliff next to his house with his sparkly new katana glittering in the sunlight.David thought to himself "I need to get a job right now,I guess I'll go into town". Nate went into town with his katana on his side and his pump action 12 gauge shotgun on his back,he went to the contractors shop,and said "hey Clark,do you got a job for me" "I do indeed" "ok what is it and what does it pay?" " it pays 200,000 dollars,but you have to kill a couple of bandits in the lower region of town" "ok,that sounds easy" "well they were powerful enough to defeat your rival John" "hmm............that strong,huh?" "Yeah,this is why,they are about half as strong as it when it comes to psychic abilities" "it trained me with psychic abilities,I'm not even half his strength yet but that's probably because I'm not at full potential yet but still.................fine I'll do the job"

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