The Journey For The Golden Purr A Cats Tale By Jakedigitalcarpet Prologue In the early days way before dogs were man was best friend, the cat gods (known for there golden purr that could cure any sickness or give someone immortality or even bring cats back from the dead)ruled the land of the cat havens. However evil forces came and wiped out the cat lords . They claimed the cat havens for themselves. The sprit of the golden purr vanished from the havens and made it's way to earth were it got lost for centuries. Evil descendant's from the havens ( also known as dogs) has sought for the golden purr to give themselves immortality and bring back to live there ancient evil leader Titus. Titus is who gave orders to attack the cat havens consequently he passed away in the battle. However there is still hope! The descendant's of the cat gods are the only ones who can find the purr and make sure the dogs don't get them. Fluffy,Tiggs,Stripey,stormand Thunder set of to find the golden purr before the dogs and reclaim the havens. I hope you like the prologue if you don't like it I will think of another idea! Remember this is my first story do don't be so mean!
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