Author's Note: Finally got to doing some writing! Hope you like this story. It's based on The Hunger Games. Please like and follow me! Chapter 1 Clove flicked the knife across the room, her brow furrowed in concentration. Bullseye. Clove smiled. She grabbed two more knives from the table and threw them both at once. She didn't need to look to see if it was a bullseye again. She strode out of District 2's training center and headed to the forest with a few knives, hoping to kill a few animals for food. A rustle in the bushes signaled that an animal was there. Clove peered over the top of the bushes and gasped. There, eating a few leaves, was a large reindeer. It's belly was swollen with babies. As Clove watched, the reindeer settled down and moaned in distress. Clove knew that it was going to give birth any moment soon. She settled down, watching the mother reindeer. A few hours later, the reindeer finally gave birth to 3 small reindeers. Clove instinctively knew what she was going to do. She was going to run away into the wilderness, and stop participating in The Hunger Games. Clove reached forward and scooped up the largest of the reindeer babies. This reindeer, she thought, was going to be her main form of transport. But it wasn't that easy. Clove didn't know what was coming. President Snow had foreseen all her actions and had decided that she, Clove, was going to participate in The Hunger Games this year.

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