INTELLECTUAL BIRDS INTELLECTUAL BIRDS By Nicholas c Caldwell The world goes by as a blur to a young lady as she runs into the unknown. Her world begins to burn as the skies tear down into ash. A torn and ripped denim jacket reveals her inked skin. One foot after another as her black combat boots come crashing down into a muddy puddle. A red bandana whistles in the rush of the air as it bundles her hair together. To see the world in her own eyes and runaway from sorrows escaping into happiness. Red lipstick and smeared eye liner deteriorates the face as an old cigarette rests above a pierced ear. The cool air of the woods sings to her in a calming voice as she runs. The world begins to pause. The chaos begins to die, and the girl comes to a resting halt. All the world is silent, and she listens. There is nothing but the rustling trees and the tweeting birds. Before her, a Blue Jay appears from a fallen branch. It stares at her in a peculiar look as the young girl stares back. The Blue Jay begins to call out into the world. The young woman lets out a small laugh as she looks at the mud beneath the boots. This is where she stands, surrounded by a lush, green, free world. For once in her #life, she actually feels at home with her self, and she smiles.

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