Infinity And Beyond (part 1) Love. No love. #life is hard either way. You can try to live it up, you can try to laugh it out. As Im sitting in my armchair and staring at a wall with all those pictures I cant stop thinking about #life, the wonderful experience I had.. Yeah, Im alone, you probably think now that poor old lady, she just buried the love of her #life, she just stopped living and loving and being. But I am here, although I cant move, cause I am in pain and Im not physically hurting. As Im staring at a wall and having all those memories rushing through my head.. You know, that first tiny photo in the left corner, It was taken in 1950s we were on our first date, in our city's annual Christmas fair. Well maybe it wasn't a date to be exact, it was the day we met, as usual at that time of the year some people were skating on a pond, some were playing games, but I was walking around with my cup of hot cocoa. I was sad, because I just had a fight with my sister, I am the oldest one out of my 5 sisters and brothers, so I have to teach them good manners and other things. We had a fight with her because she wanted to run away with a neighbors boy. She is only 16 and she is way too young to realize what true love is also our mother couldn't bare her child missing. I was deep sinked in my thoughts that I didn't even realized how I suddenly walked on top of the ice, and in seconds I was lying on the ground embarrassed with cocoa in my hair... Oh yeah, that was the moment when I first heard his voice: "are you OK?", and then he burst out laughing about this stupid situation.. I mean it is funny when you think about it, seeing face buried in the snow and blond hair turning all wet and brown. Hmm... This is not the moment that I realized my feelings for this man, but it is the moment I will never let myself forget...
ðCoolð Wolfð
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