When Blood stops spilling (Reply) My Darling Jay, We miss you soooo much! Jaimee asks for you every night, thank you for her story she adores it. It's a ritual before bed x I'm so rubbish with the spiders... I try to be brave like you say and not show any fear, but their legs and... Eww I can't even think about them. Tom or Dad bless them come over to save us, I know it's pathetic / Your letter made me laugh so much imagining you holding your breath, I really do love you with all my heart, but you better be joking about the Scorpion! It's him or me. Although Jaimme wants one for Christmas so thanks for that! DADY I LOV YEW xx and uncle Dan and STINGLS x I miss you too, so much, please come home safe and as soon as you can, but I can wait, just come home to us, leave Stingles behind and tell Dan if he gets you home safe and sound I'll wear the dam pants. Dad and Tom said they will fire up the BBQ as soon as you hit home soil, beers are on ice. X We have sent paper and pens over, we want no excuses for not writing NONE you hear me Mr no excuses, you come home to us! To your Wife and baby girl. We love you Hugs kisses and spoons. A blow job and some hanky panky too! xxxxx God don't let Dan read this bit - he'll tell mum and Dad!!! Love always Your heartbeat Anna xx & JAIM33 #scenariochallenge
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