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My Wonderland Of A #life (#6) So I know I haven't updated u guys in pretty much forever, but I have been busy at SCHOOL. That is right, I have to go to get an education at a place where I learn NOTHING. Just exams and ugh it's just too much effort for my #life. Nothing really to update you guys on to be honest apart from the fact that I want to punch so many faces at school. I wouldn't really unless they confronted me. But you know, I don't go out of my way to hit someone I'm not like that. Just when I lose my temper (rare occasions) I really lose it. Well yeh, oh also I have to wait until MARCH to read the next book of the virals called exposure. I highly recommend them. They are by Kathy Reichs. If you read this blog and don't like the virals, you can just leave. And yeh that's it. Maybe I should do a book recommendations blog like separately too. Ooh that would be good. Okay it will happen when I stop procrastinating. Hope y'all are having a good one anyway For my lucky readers Love Zaz xxx

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