Traduzir   11 anos atrás

Myself I tend to keep things to myself. I find it easier that way. My friends are always telling me not to keep my feelings bottled up inside. But honestly? I can't help myself it's because I know people are going to judge me. People are just going to think my problems are phatetic. So what's the point in telling them to someone? Not like it's going to fix my problems, or make them feel better. She denies it... But the truth is, she's falling in love with him.... The secret side of me I'll never let you see I keep it caged But I can't controle it So stay away from me The beast is ugly, feel the rage And I just can't hold it It's scratching on the walls In the closet, in the halls It comes awake And I can't controle it. Her eyes looked dead!!! It's blood that paints my lips... As you see, I'm in a very weird mood today. Seems like I'm getting bad again. These days I can be really dangerous for myself and this is prob the only way for me to forget about everything. Writing, good music and peace. Sometimes I manage to lock out all the world for up to 4 days. And sometimes I just walk around all smiley and happy in frnt of other people. Ahh pretending that everything is ok with you is the worst part of all. You know if I would ever tell anyone how I feel they would just think I'm looking g for some god damn attention. Reason I keep so much inside. I'm so sick and tired of #life. Fml!!!

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