Previously On Beauty And The Peace He walks into the light from the shadow of night, fists clenched tight. "Let her go" he reasons in the softest tone of confidence as he stands a mammoth task for any man to overcome. Her aggressor looks over his shoulder "why don't you FUCcc... Yeah no problem pal, I was on my way anyhow" he chirps as he locks eyes and sizes up the man born of night! It wasn't the intimidation of his size or build it was the aura of a natural killer that devoured his courage in a single bite. He walks slowly towards her, eyes scanning her pristine business suit, her manicured nails, designer labels and salon groomed, long dark hair. "You don't belong here" he whispers a throaty, course, but subtle remark. "Urm, I know, I'm sorry... I can pay you if you" Her efforts to barter get caught short and interrupted. " I DON'T need your money, you assume I have none of my own" His voice begins to growl before returning to its cool whisper. "What do you want" she pleads...
Sienna Williamson
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