Everything's Changed Chapter Ten Yan The One Eyed Grace decided to turn back to go find the two who had decided to go against what she said and follow her anyways. It didn't take long for her to find the two. And when she did she helped them up onto the back of Botolf. "Listen you two, you both disobeyed me and left even though it was in your best interest to remain at my home. So when we get there, you both better listen to me and do exactly what I say. If not then we'll turn around right now and go straight back to my home, then I will both confine you to the walls with wood and I'll only let you go when I return," Grace told them. "But what if you don't return?" Anna said rashly. Elsa gasped and lightly hit Anna's back. "Ouch! What'd you do that for!" Anna exclaimed, glaring at her sister who was sitting behind her. "Because of what you said, that was rude," Elsa said. Grace laughed. 'God these guys are a riot! It's just too bad...' She thought, her face falling along with her mood as she thought about that. Grace shook her head. "Are you okay Grace?" Elsa asked, noticing the brunette's change of mood. Grace looked behind her at Elsa. "I'm okay. Just thinking about stuff," Grace told her. Elsa nodded and Grace turned her attention back to the road. "We'll be at their encampment soon, be prepared," Botolf told the group. Grace nodded and mentally prepared her self. Thinking of a plan. 'Okay, we'll rush right in there, find out where this Kristoff guy is being held then free 'im and take him back to my house' Grace thought. Botolf ran off the road and ran to the edge of a cliff. "Brace your selves," Botolf said as he lunged over the cliff. Anna and Elsa both screamed in fright and held onto Botolf's tufts of fur tighter. Grace brought her body closer to Botolf's and her concentration grew. Botolf landed on the other side of the cliff with a thud. Anna sighed in relief. "Did you really think we wouldn't make it?" Botolf asked the group on his back. Anna opened her mouth to reply. "Don't. I'll have you know, I'm the strongest wolf out there. You could even call me the Alpha of Alphas," Botolf said then continued on the path. As the group neared the camp, Grace told everyone to get off of Botolf. Botolf then shrunk him self in size. "That's so cool! How does he do that!" Anna asked, but Grace shushed the ginger. "Please be quiet. We're very close to the bandit camp so we need to be quiet or else my plan won't work," Grace told them. Elsa nodded, understanding completely why she was doing that. "What's the plan?" Anna asked, a bit to loudly for Grace's liking. Grace's eye twitched slightly. Anna didn't notice the eye twitch, but from the irritation written on the brunette's face she realized she should probably be quiet. Which was a smart move. "Are you done?" Grace asked and Anna nodded meekly. "Good...," Botolf said. Grace looked to the wolf and bent down. "You know what to do," Grace told him. He nodded and ran off towards the camp. "What's he going to do?" Anna asked. "He's going to scout out the camp, and find where they're holding your friend," Grace replied. "What do we do now?" Anna asked. "We wait," Grace replied again, then said no more. The group sat down in a heavily covered area. There they waited for the wolf to return with the information. -FRFRFRFRFRFRFR- Getting into the camp was easy enough, after all these bandits seemed to be the dumb kind of bandits. But then again when were bandits actually smart? Botolf mentally chuckled at the idea of smart bandits. Botolf pressed his body close to the ground, he could almost feel the dirt and grass through his fur. Botolf slowly prowled around the camp, dodging the bandits and hiding in the shadows. 'Should've been born a cat! I'm much better at stalking prey than chasing anyways' He thought. Botolf raised his nose and smelled the air. The scent of that man, Kristoff, was thick and heavy. Botolf grimaced at the smell, but he'd smelled worse things. Certainly a man that had the smell of a reindeer on him wasn't the worse, but have you ever smelled a reindeer? Botolf shook his head in disgust then looked around the camp. He figured out that this man was being held in the large tent in the middle of the camp. Botolf sighed mentally and rolled his eyes 'figures' he scoffed. Before he returned to Grace, he did a double check on the encampment. After that he started to make his way back to his master, when suddenly, a knife flung past him. It was a few inches away from his snout, and Botolf was very thankful that his snout was uninjured. Not even a scratch had damaged the surface of his precious snout. "Lookie here boys! It's a doggy!" Botolf heard one of the bandits say. Botolf turned his head and looked at the bandit and begun to growl. Maybe if he appeared vicious enough they'd let him go. Maybe. The bandit who threw the knife laughed loudly, the other bandits laughed with him. "Lookie! The doggy is mad," The bandit said. Botolf groaned mentally. This was getting him no where. Botolf rushed at the man, who was took shocked and scared to move. Botolf lunged at the man and pushed him down. He placed his jaws on the mans neck and was about to snap, when someone grabbed the tuffs of fur on the back of his neck and pulled him off. Botolf thrashed wildly, until he heard the second most calming voice ever. The first calming was Graces. "Calm down lad. I'm not gonna hurt ya," The person spoke. Botolf looked at the person, and it was Yan. "What's going on here boys?" Yan looked at the bandits. "Nothing sir! This wolf just c-" "Don't give me that bullshit, tel me the real truth or else," Yan said, his tone took on a dangerous edge near the end. The bandits gulped. One bandit stepped forward and told Yan exactly what had happened, or well, exactly as his inebriated mind saw it. After the story, Yan understood what had happened. Yan let the wolf go on the ground. "Ya are just hungry, aren't ya boy?" Yan bent down and scratched behind Botolf's ears. Right in the spot that he loved. 'Oh boy... this man he just knows where to scratch' He thought with a sigh. Yan grinned and told one of the bandits to go get some meat for the wolf. The bandit hurried off and returned quickly with a piece of meat for the wolf. Yan gave it to Botolf who downed it the second he had the chance. "Well now lad. I think ya should return back to where ever you came from," Yan told the wolf and Botolf turned and left the camp without any problems afterwords. He quickly went off to where Grace was. "Botolf! You're okay! I heard a commotion going on in the encampment and thought you had been caught," Grace said. "I was caught, but I was let go. This Yan... he may prove more dangerous than I originally thought," Botolf said and looked back at the encampment. "Why do you say that?" Anna asked. "Because he appears to be kind and he is kind. He's very kind, but I sense a strong power deep within him. Just like how I can sense your powers deep inside you three. Though it's very blurry to me, I know that he has a strong power," Botolf told them. "So we avoid him at all costs," Grace said. Botolf nodded in agreement. "Did you find out where Kristoff is being held?" Elsa asked. Botolf nodded again. "The large tent in the center of the camp," Botolf replied. "Well... lets get a move on. Better now than never," Grace said. Botolf grinned. "Well I know I'm ready," Botolf said with great confidence. Elsa decided to stay behind because with her injury she'd just be a hindrance. Grace didn't say it out right, but she did agree with Elsa. After that the group sneaked into the camp with the very helpful instructions of Botolf. Soon the large tent was in sight. "If we rush it, we could make it...," Grace said. "Yes but then Yan would be aware of our arrival," Botolf said. Grace bit her lip. Suddenly they heard a shriek. And Anna's face fell as they brought Elsa into the center of the camp. Elsa was screaming and thrashing about the whole way. Grace's eyes widened and she whipped her head, opening her mouth to speak, but it was too late. Before she could say anything, Anna jumped out from where they were, her flames ablaze and lunged at the men holding her sister. Grace groaned. "I knew this was a bad idea...," She mumbled, Botolf silently agreed. Botolf grew into his rock wolf form and then lunged at the others and tore them apart quickly. Yan came rushing out of his tent and gasped at what he saw. "Well I'll be," He said. Most of his bandits had already been taken out. Either dead or injured. And those that weren't were to scared to confront the massive wolf and the flaming girl. Yan laughed at the sight. Grace walked over to Botolf and stood by his side, placing a hand on the wolf. Elsa was on the ground behind Anna. She sat there in fear of what would come next. "Yan the one eyed, we're here for the man you have taken hostage," Grace told him. Yan laughed. "Ya can have him, I didn't even really care for the lad. He was just a lure," Yan said. Grace frowned in confusion. Botolf shared her confusion. "A lure for what?" Grace asked. Yan smirked sickeningly. "Thought ya would neva ask," Yan said. Grace's eyes widened and she paled. "NO!" She screeched. Yan grinned and then threw his hands at Grace. Suddenly water came from his hands and was flung at the brunette. The water hitting her square in the chest and sending her flying back a few feet. Grace landed on her back with a groan. Grace stumbled to her feet and felt tears come to her eyes. "Grace!? What's so wrong!? How could he do that!?" Anna asked, worried for her new friend. Grace looked at Anna with sorrow. Grace opened her mouth to reply, when Anna was blasted with water and sent flying over Elsa. Elsa stumbled to her feet. Yan laughed darkly and moved his arms in a strange motion, but that seemed to summon more water. "Come forth! My familiar!" He yelled and the water that he summoned formed into a large water serpent. The water solidify to a certain extent into blue scales. The serpent stood about the size of Botolf and had slanted eyes that glowed black. In the center of his head was a round red gem. The serpent hissed, it's tongue flicking in and out of it's teeth. Elsa and Anna both were shocked and were in awe at the magnificent beast. But for Botolf and Grace, this was bad news.

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