übersetzen   11 Jahre

Chapter 2 The rest of the day was more boring than watching grass grow. I tried to concentrate on what my teachers where saying but my mind kept wandering to Liam. His eyes where like the color of grass in the morning. And his hair was the color of sand on a hot day at the beach. "Huh." I sigh as I walk home from school. I check my phone for like the 50th time. No missed calls. Liam said he would call. Just when I was about to give up hope, my ring tone went off. "Remember that trip we took in Mexico, yeah. Hangin' with the boys and all the señioritas-" plays Pass Me By by R5 my favorite band. I pick up the phone. ~beginning of phone call~ Me- hi Liam Liam- hey! How's it hangiń Me- I'm ok I guess. I almost died of boredom, though. Liam- ha. Are you busy later? Me- no, why? Liam- I wanted to know if you wanted to go out. Me- sure! Where to? Liam- maybe the iceskating rink? Me- perfect! Liam- okay talk to you later. Me- ok bye. Liam- bye. ~end of phone call~ Butterfly's danced in my stomach. I had a date with my crush. What would I wear? I know I'd a Have to dress warm, but also cute. I need to make a girl friend. I walk all the way home thinking about going to the mall with a girl. I walk up the porch and unlock the door, when a girl about my age comes up to me. "Hi. I'm your neighbor across the street. Kylie." She says. "Hi I'm Clara." I respond. "I like your accent." She giggles. "Thanks. We're friends right?" I ask. "Of course!" She says cheerfully.

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