übersetzen   11 Jahre

The Beacons Of Light He took his shirt off and sat down on her bed. This was the most unexpected visitor she had ever had. He was also the most exciting visitor too. He turned to her and smiled his trademark smile, the one she had seen on his face many times before. But not in her domain and certainly not in her bedroom. His eyes were the most chocolatey colour of brown with golden flecks circling his iris'. If fate and destiny were questionable before she now knew they did exist. She believed in the power of positive thinking and belief. He couldn't believe he was here with her, how on earth did this happen he thought. It truly was at last something that made his heart skip a beat and lifted away all confusion and complications. Suddenly he could see #life clearly and he felt a new sense of knowing. Hard to explain but a deep sense of knowing that related to the meaning of #life. This was what it was about, #life and love, and he was lucky enough to have the key to the door and had unlocked the secret code. "Where's the best place to put this?" he handed her a long golden brown parcel from his bag. Smiling he nodded in acknowledgement to her question if it was for her. He smiled again, this made the butterflies flutter in her stomach again. His mind was on one thing only and that was his love, the woman before him. He lovingly watched her open the gift, slowly and carefully as if it were the most precious gift in the world. She treated everything with the same delicate care and elegance. The light from inside the brown box illuminated her skin, it was the most brightest of gifts and yet simple in its style. "I want you to remember this moment and our love so this will hold all of it in there, it will never fade, never grow tired or old and will never lack lustre. This is my promise to you. I promise you that from today and now on this" he pointed to his heart, "is for you and only you". The gift itself had two small bottles within and in them were two beacons of light, so pure and untouched by human hands. The small fragments of light looked very similar to small diamonds yet brighter, so real that they looked almost unreal. "If you place the light on your index finger it will sit there defying gravity because where it came from gravity does not exist. She did as was explained and followed his lead as they both simultaneously inserted the light into the centre of their chests. "That's where they stay, in the heart, no one can remove them and our memories of love cannot be forgotten . Whenever you want to remember this moment all you need to do is place your left hand there and it will trigger the memory.

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