Sitting opposite me 18+ She sits opposite me at work. For eight hours a day Tuesday to Friday. We talk, joke around, laugh at each other, tease each other and share stories about our other halves. I want her so bad and she knows it. I know she knows because I told her. She smiles coyly, teases me more but then she pulls back behind the marriage card. She knows I like her arse, it is pretty spectacular. She's caught me looking at it on more than one occasion but it doesn't stop her bending over in front of me. I caught decide whether I want to spank it for teasing me so much or rip her tights down and fuck her on the spot. She acts all innocent to the rest of the office but I know differently. She made me tell me what I would do to her if I had her for a night. I don't think anyone should ever be as turned on at work as I was that day describing how I wanted her. She told me how turned on she was, how wet I'd made her and then went home to her husband. I know nothing will happen, I know I will eventually fall out of lust with her but at this point in time and for the last year there is no one I the world I would rather be fucking.
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Sienna Williamson
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