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My Feelings For You Right now I'm fucking mad So you bitch better gEt glad Cause I'm gonna bust some rhymes Like how bitches drop for dimes I hate fucking girls I mean all she does is hurl My heart at the ground I wouldn't want it to be the other way around I feel for you like no other I wish I wouldn't blunder When ever I'm around you It's just because i get emotional melt downs ewh I don't just want to fuck boo I would even lick I try so hard not to be a prick I'm sorry sweetheart Cause I know these feelings will depart If you know what I mean Mabey I'll become like Charlie sheen And just do major drugs So I can forget our late night hugs Why did you kiss me Did you just want to diss me You done a great job You hurt me more the an anal probe So fuck off I can't deal with it anymore You stupid whore You flirt with every guy you see Except for fucking me Especially Jeffry And I care the most You would have had a roast Ass if I wasn't there But like you even care I want to rip out my hair Whatever I'll get drunk So I'll get out of this bull shit emotional funk

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