Traducciones   11 años

Day 7 I'm back in the closet. He hasn't slept in days. I should be using the short time I have to sleep myself but I'm not in the slightest bit tired, even if I haven't slept in six days. It is perfectly understandable that I am wide awake, you see, when he sleeps he disposes of the small drop of energy he may have left so as to completely recharge and as we are attached his energy is disposed onto me, which is extremely inconvenient on my behalf as this is the only time I have to sleep, yet luckily and unluckily he uses his energy well and there is usually only quite a short amount of energy to burn off which also means I should be nodding of soon enough. Even now I'm getting woozy. Speaking of sleep I don't exactly get much of it and when I do it is one of the most horrific moments of my #life. My nightmares are terrifying but not only that, the nightmares are agonising, they are physically and mentally painful. I have never had an actual dream of such, only pain and agony and him. Every single nightmare he is there, in the shadows or by my side, in the eyes of my mother and at the barrel of the gun. I can never escape him and that makes things even worse. Not because he is constantly there but because I run. I run from him in my mind but he is always there. I run and run and run but he will always be there. I will never shake him of. Every day, every week, month and year he grows stronger and I still don't know why. I don't know why he's here or what he wants. I don't know why he chose me. But know I am thinking to much and my energy has burned out so for now this is goodbye and goodluck.

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