Translate   10 years ago

#life Is Like #life is like writing in pen, you can't erase your mistakes. #life is like a clock ticking, you only have a certain amount of time. #life is like riding a bicycle, to keep your balance you must keep moving. #life is like photography, you develop from the negatives. #life is like Tetris, you can never actually win, you can only try to keep going. #life is like a piano, the white keys are happiness and the black keys are sadness, but as you go through #life's journey, remember the black keys make music too. #life is like a poker game, it's not about what you're given, it's how you use it. #life is like a marshmallow, it's sweet but you can't avoid the sticky parts. #life is like a road, if the path doesn't go right, go left instead. #life is like a walk, you wont realise the distance you've walked until you look around and realise how far you've gotten. #life is like a mountain, hard to climb but once you get to the top, the view is beautiful.

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