Traducciones   11 años

Dead Love (chapter 4) Chapter 4 The rest of that afternoon was spent unpacking and staring at Kane. I managed most of the room that one afternoon. Kane stayed totally motionless and just stared out of the window. His earlier smile had faded and he was now just sad. I saw it in his eyes, his face. I wanted to ask him what was wrong, for some reason I wanted to console him. Why? Don't ask me. I was too scared to ask him what was up. I mean I'd only met him a few hours ago. I'd finished my unpacking in about an hour and Kane was still the same as before. Sighing, I made my way to the door to explore. I stood out into the hallway and was once again faced with a semi circle of rooms. My room was exactly in the middle. I decided to go in some rooms just to check them out. I walked across the landing to find a white door. Without thinking I just pushed it open and wandered inside. The room was massive; there was a large four-poster bed and a huge wardroabe. The walls were lined with painting after painting. I took a look at the first one. It was of a little girl. She had long straight long mouse hair and greeny blue eyes. She wore a long dress that could only be Victorian. I stared at the painting and then realized something. There was a small engraving on the frame at the bottom. Lady Rose Weddend Weddend House, 1887 Weddend House was this house. Was this house...royal? I pondered over the idea as I moved to the next painting. This one was of a young boy. He looked surprisingly like a younger version of Kane. The same brown hair and green eyes. There was also another engraving on the bottom. Master Thomas Weddend Weddend House, 1887 Thomas Weddend. What a name! I smiled as I moved on to the next painting. It was that painting that shocked me back into my senses. I now realised why the name 'Weddend' was familiar. It was a painting of a boy. A painting of Kane. He looked exactly the same as he did now. The same hair, eyes, clothes. Exactly the same. That could only mean that Kane had...had passed at the time of this painting. I was yearning to know more. I was to curious about him. I felt that I needed to know about him and that I needed to understand him. Again, I haven't the faintest idea why. I moved over to the other two paintings and found they were Kane's parents. I smiled as I ran my finger along the huge frame. "I see you've found my family," I jumped and spun around all in one motion to find Kane leaning in the wall. I felt my cheeks go red in embarrassment. "Oh err s-sorry I d-didn't mean to-" I started nervously. "Don't worry Miss Myers, I'm not angry," he said chuckling lightly. I breathed out a sigh of relief and gave him a shy smile. I felt slightly happy that I had once again found some time alone with this amazing person. He looked so...perfect. What was happening to me?

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