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Chapter 1 Continued... "Ah, Miss. Victoria, not sure we've met, I'm the King of Serpella. I knew your Mother well — in fact I was just telling Alexander here what a wonderful woman she was! She was of the highest class." The man, proclaimed with a wide grin, thumping me heartily on the back. I glared at the man before speaking. "My Mum left me not weeks after my Dad died to go on holiday with a man she met a couple of days before — she then continued to go on holidays like this, every time with a different lad, leaving me alone for weeks, sometimes even months. And three weeks ago she left with her newest shag and left a note telling me that I'm gonna be alone for a year while she travels the world. If by high class you mean 'high class slag’ then yeah, I agree." I looked the man dead in his dark green eyes, with snake—like slits for pupils, as he narrowed them. "How dare you speak to me like that you insolent little b—" "Dendroas. She has not insulted you, am I right?" Alexander interrupted — a small smirk on his face. Dendroas glared at him and then turned on his heel but I put my hand on his shoulder to pull him back, effectively sticking the tracker to his furry coat, "Oh I'm deeply sorry, your most wondrous highness, I just wanted you to know what my mum’s really like." I simpered, smiling sweetly. "Yes, well... I'm sure anybody else would be grateful for you to clear that up for them, but I see right through you." He scowled, turning once again to walk away. My heart seized up in panic for a moment — did he know why I was here? How much this particular mission meant? But as he made his way further away, I allowed myself to relax slightly, reminding myself I had my favourite gun and kitchen knife — what? They're good for clean cuts! — Attached to my thighs under my long dress. "Who are you?" I jumped as someone put their warm hand on my shoulder, and was about to go karate on their ass when I realised it was Alex whom I mentally decided I was going to call Blondie from now to eternity. Wait. The question. Again, my pulse raised as I tried to keep a poker face, "I'm Victoria Athena Grace Cadmium Santana Giappolis. I was born in Liverpool, England and my favourite foods are bacon butties and fish and chips. I also enjoy taking long walks on the beach and reading romance novels. How about you, Blondie?" Well played Caddie. Blondie raised a golden eyebrow and looked me up and down, lingering in certain places. He finally met my eyes with curiosity. "My name is Alexander Conlan Asher the third. I was born in Darwin, Australia. My favourite foods are lamingtons and a good chicken soup.

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